Hazlet Township Police Department
Hazlet Township Police Department
Hazlet Township Police Department

Hazlet Township Police Department

Welcome to Hazlet Township Police Department

We would like to welcome you to the Hazlet Township Police Department website. As you navigate, take note of our mission, core values and vision. We are committed to providing professional service to our community and building trust. This website provides a historical view of the agency, current information on activities and events within the community and direct access to bureaus within our organization. I hope you find the information useful and I look forward to your continued support and assistance. Thank you.

Mission Statement

The Hazlet Township Police Department is committed to serve and protect all people within our jurisdiction with respect, fairness, and compassion. Our mission is to provide professional law enforcement services while working in partnership with those who we serve.

Value Statement- The Hazlet Township Police Department will be guided by our core values, which are:

Courage – A commitment to accept responsibility and accountability for our actions and decisions as well as possess a quality of spirit that enables us to confront danger, fear or difficulty with resolve and bravery;

Integrity – Adherence to a strict ethical code driven by personal pride, honesty and dedication to duty;

Respect – A willingness to treat all persons with an unbiased decency and fairness while guaranteeing to uphold the principles and values guided by the constitution of the United States and the State of New Jersey.

Quick Links

Office of the Chief
Records and Reports
Community Outreach

Police Trading Cards


Today is the opening day of our Trading Card Contest. Last week we introduced all the cards available, today Officers will be handing them out when approached. This program is focused on building positive relationships with the youth of the town. The contest will run from April 5th, 2021-August 31, 2021. Here are the official rules:

Contest Rules:
1. The contest is open to all children […]

April 2nd, 2021|


HAZLET A.S.S.I.S.T. stands for Addictive Substance Support and Intervention Service Team
The Hazlet Township Police Department has teamed up with Hazlet’s Hope Network to expand our addiction services to those in need.
Heroin and opioid abuse continues to be an issue throughout Monmouth County communities. Often times police will arrest someone […]
March 5th, 2021|


We are excited to announce we will be hosting the Police Youth Academy this year, though space is limited!

Please visit here for more information. 

February 24th, 2021|

Volunteers Needed to Support Victims of Sexual Violence: You Can Make a Difference

Sexual assaults do not just stop because of a crisis like the one we are currently facing. In fact, when stressors increase, violence and abuse can quickly escalate. For many survivors, staying at home means being isolated with someone who is harming them. It is in these very trying times that a survivor needs 180 even more and we are here for anyone who needs our services.

Sexual violence is never the survivor’s fault and 180 Turning Lives […]

December 3rd, 2020|

October Activities at Hazlet PD

This October the Hazlet Township Police Department joined the Pink Patch Project. Officers wore a grey and pink patch on their shoulders in lieu of our traditional yellow and blue. This was to help raise awareness for breast cancer, since October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. Here you can see some of our proud men and women in blue, sporting the pink. 

November 3rd, 2020|
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