The Hazlet Township Police Department is focusing on speed enforcement and education during the month of May. Speeding is more than just breaking the law, consequences of speeding include a greater potential for loss of vehicle control, increased stopping distance after driver perceives a danger, and a greater severity of crash which leads to more severe injuries. The Hazlet Township Traffic Safety Division has decided this month we will be cracking down on speeders with more radar posts, more speed trailers on the streets, and new lawn signs township residents can place on their property. Signs are available at no cost to you and were procured with funds from a Traffic Safety Grant.
If you would like a lawn sign, please send an email to Ptl. Charleigh Logothetis at with your name, address, and top two choices (make sure your speed limit is 25 if that is the sign you request). Signs will be delivered to your residence by the Friday after your request. There are limited amounts per design and they will be distributed on first come first serve basis.